in package
Db class - PDO Database abstraction layer class
The Db class is a database abstraction layer that provides a simple, consistent interface for interacting with different types of databases. It handles connection management, query execution, pagination and result processing, allowing developers to focus on the business logic of their application.
Full documentation with code examples is available here: [https://www.powerlitepdo.com/]
The Db class is designed to be flexible and extensible, allowing developers to easily customize it to meet their specific needs. It supports multiple database types, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, and Oracle, and can be easily extended to support additional databases.
The Db class is designed to be easy to use and understand. It provides a set of simple, intuitive methods for executing queries and retrieving data, and it automatically handles error handling and debugging. This makes it easy for developers to quickly get up and running with the class, without having to worry about low-level details such as database connections and query execution.
In addition, the Db class is designed to be highly efficient and fast. It uses the latest database features and optimization techniques to ensure that queries are executed quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing performance. This means that applications built using the Db class can scale easily and perform well under load, even with large amounts of data.
Table of Contents
- $connection : DriverBase
- $pdo : PDO
- $queryBuilder : QueryBuilder
- __construct() : mixed
- Constructor
- convertToSimpleArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Converts a Query() or Select() array of records into a simple array using only one column or an associative array using another column as a key.
- debugOnce() : self
- Sets the queryBuilder's debugOnceMode.
- delete() : bool|int
- Deletes a record from the database table.
- fetch() : mixed
- Fetches the next row from a result set and returns it according to the $fetchParameters format
- fetchAll() : mixed
- Fetches all rows from a result set and return them according to the $fetchParameters format
- getColumns() : mixed
- Get the information about the columns in a given table
- getColumnsNames() : mixed
- Returns the columns names of the target table in a table
- getDebug() : View
- Returns the debug information as a string.
- getDebugMode() : bool|string
- Get the debug mode of the query builder.
- getHTML() : string
- This function returns records from a SQL query as an HTML table.
- getLastInsertId() : bool|string
- Get the last insert ID.
- getMaximumValue() : mixed
- Retrieves the maximum value of a specified field from a given table.
- getPdo() : PDO
- Returns the PDO object.
- getQueryBuilder() : QueryBuilder
- Returns an instance of the QueryBuilder class.
- getTables() : mixed
- Selects all the tables into the database
- insert() : bool|int
- Inserts a new record into a table using PDO
- numRows() : int|false
- Returns the number of rows in the result set of the current query.
- query() : bool|int
- Executes a SQL query on the database.
- queryRow() : mixed
- Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns one row
- queryValue() : mixed
- Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns a single value only
- select() : bool|int
- Selects data from the database.
- selectCount() : mixed
- Select COUNT records using PDO
- selectRow() : mixed
- Selects a single record using PDO
- selectValue() : mixed
- Selects a single value using PDO
- setDebug() : void
- Sets the queryBuilder's debugGlobalMode.
- transactionBegin() : bool
- Begin transaction processing
- transactionCommit() : bool
- Commit and end transaction processing.
- transactionRollback() : bool
- Roll back transaction processing.
- update() : bool|int
- Updates an existing record into a table using PDO
__construct(DriverBase $driverBase, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder) : mixed
- $driverBase : DriverBase
- $queryBuilder : QueryBuilder
Converts a Query() or Select() array of records into a simple array using only one column or an associative array using another column as a key.
convertToSimpleArray(mixed $array, string $value_field[, string|null $key_field = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $array : mixed
The array returned from a PDO query using fetchAll.
- $value_field : string
The name of the field that holds the value.
- $key_field : string|null = null
The name of the field that holds the key, making the return value an associative array.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Returns an array with only the specified data.
Sets the queryBuilder's debugOnceMode.
debugOnce(bool|string $mode) : self
- $mode : bool|string
The debug mode to set.
Return values
Deletes a record from the database table.
delete(string $table[, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : bool|int
- $table : string
The name of the table from which to delete the record.
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
An associative array of conditions to match the record(s) to be deleted. The keys represent the column names and the values represent the matching values.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the delete is executed. true the delete is not executed. The query is displayed. 'silent': the delete is not executed. The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
bool|int —The number of affected rows or false if there was an error.
Fetches the next row from a result set and returns it according to the $fetchParameters format
fetch([int $fetchParameters = PDO::FETCH_OBJ ]) : mixed
- $fetchParameters : int = PDO::FETCH_OBJ
The PDO fetch style record options
Return values
mixed —The next row or false if we reached the end
Fetches all rows from a result set and return them according to the $fetchParameters format
fetchAll([int $fetchParameters = PDO::FETCH_OBJ ]) : mixed
- $fetchParameters : int = PDO::FETCH_OBJ
The PDO fetch style record options
Return values
mixed —The rows according to PDO fetch style or false if no record
Get the information about the columns in a given table
getColumns(string $table[, int $fetchParameters = PDO::FETCH_OBJ ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $table : string
The name of the table
- $fetchParameters : int = PDO::FETCH_OBJ
[OPTIONAL] The PDO fetch style record options
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —An associative array that contains the columns data or false if the table doesn't have any column. [ 'Field' => string, The name of the column. 'Type' => string, The column data type. 'Null' => string, The column nullability. The value is YES if NULL values can be stored in the column, NO if not. 'Key' => string, The column key if the column is indexed. 'Default' => mixed, The default value for the column. 'Extra' => string, Any additional information. The value is nonempty in these cases: - auto_increment for columns that have the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. - on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP or DATETIME columns that have the ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attribute. - VIRTUAL GENERATED or STORED GENERATED for generated columns. - DEFAULT_GENERATED for columns that have an expression default value. ]
Returns the columns names of the target table in a table
getColumnsNames(string $table[, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $table : string
The name of the table
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —An array that contains the columns names or false if the table doesn't have any column.
Returns the debug information as a string.
getDebug() : View
Return values
View —The debug information.
Get the debug mode of the query builder.
getDebugMode() : bool|string
Return values
bool|string —The debug mode of the query builder.
This function returns records from a SQL query as an HTML table.
getHTML(array<string|int, mixed> $records[, bool $showCount = true ][, string|null $tableAttr = null ][, string|null $th_Attr = null ][, string|null $tdAttr = null ]) : string
- $records : array<string|int, mixed>
The records set - can be an array or array of objects according to the fetch parameters.
- $showCount : bool = true
(Optional) true if you want to show the row count, false if you do not want to show the count.
- $tableAttr : string|null = null
(Optional) Comma separated attributes for the table. e.g: 'class=my-class, style=color:#222'.
- $th_Attr : string|null = null
(Optional) Comma separated attributes for the header row. e.g: 'class=my-class, style=font-weight:bold'.
- $tdAttr : string|null = null
(Optional) Comma separated attributes for the cells. e.g: 'class=my-class, style=font-weight:normal'.
Return values
string —HTML containing a table with all records listed.
Get the last insert ID.
getLastInsertId() : bool|string
Return values
bool|string —The last insert ID or false if there was an error.
Retrieves the maximum value of a specified field from a given table.
getMaximumValue(string $table, string $field) : mixed
- $table : string
The name of the table.
- $field : string
The name of the field.
Return values
mixed —The maximum value of the specified field or false if no value is found.
Returns the PDO object.
getPdo() : PDO
Return values
PDO —The PDO object.
Returns an instance of the QueryBuilder class.
getQueryBuilder() : QueryBuilder
Return values
QueryBuilder —An instance of the QueryBuilder class.
Selects all the tables into the database
getTables([bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —Array with tables if success otherwise false
Inserts a new record into a table using PDO
insert(string $table, array<string, mixed> $values[, bool|string $debug = false ]) : bool|int
- $table : string
Table name
- $values : array<string, mixed>
Associative array containing the fields and values e.g. ['name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff']
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the insert is executed. true: the insert is not executed. The query is displayed. 'silent': the insert is not executed. The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
bool|int —The number of affected rows or false if there was an error.
Returns the number of rows in the result set of the current query.
numRows() : int|false
Return values
int|false —The number of rows, or false on failure.
Executes a SQL query on the database.
query(string $sql[, array<string, mixed> $placeholders = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : bool|int
- $sql : string
The SQL query to execute.
- $placeholders : array<string, mixed> = []
An indexed or associative array to store the placeholders used in the query.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or silent.
Return values
bool|int —Returns true or false for a SELECT query, returns the number of affected rows for other statements or false if there was an error.
Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns one row
queryRow(string $sql[, array<string, mixed> $placeholders = [] ][, int $fetchParameters = PDO::FETCH_OBJ ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $sql : string
The SQL query to execute.
- $placeholders : array<string, mixed> = []
An indexed or associative array to store the placeholders used in the query.
- $fetchParameters : int = PDO::FETCH_OBJ
PDO fetch style record options
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —Array or object with values if success otherwise false
Executes a SQL query using PDO and returns a single value only
queryValue(string $sql[, array<string, mixed> $placeholders = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $sql : string
The SQL query to execute.A
- $placeholders : array<string, mixed> = []
An indexed or associative array to store the placeholders used in the query.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —A returned value from the database if success otherwise false
Selects data from the database.
select(string $from, string|array<string|int, string> $fields[, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, array<string, bool|int|string> $parameters = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : bool|int
- $from : string
The SQL FROM statement with optional joins. Example: 'table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id'.
- $fields : string|array<string|int, string>
The columns to select. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
The WHERE clause. Can be a string or an array of conditions. If it's an array, the conditions will be joined with AND.
- $parameters : array<string, bool|int|string> = []
An associative array of parameter names and values.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
bool|int —True if the query was successful, false otherwise.
Select COUNT records using PDO
selectCount(string $from[, string|array<string|int, string> $fields = ['*' => 'rowsCount'] ][, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, array<string, bool|int|string> $parameters = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $from : string
The SQL FROM statement with optional joins. Example: 'table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id'.
- $fields : string|array<string|int, string> = ['*' => 'rowsCount']
The columns to select. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
The WHERE clause. Can be a string or an array of conditions. If it's an array, the conditions will be joined with AND.
- $parameters : array<string, bool|int|string> = []
An associative array of parameter names and values.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —The record row or false if no record has been found
Selects a single record using PDO
selectRow(string $from[, string|array<string|int, string> $fields = '*' ][, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, int $fetchParameters = PDO::FETCH_OBJ ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $from : string
The SQL FROM statement with optional joins. Example: 'table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id'.
- $fields : string|array<string|int, string> = '*'
The columns to select. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
The WHERE clause. Can be a string or an array of conditions. If it's an array, the conditions will be joined with AND.
- $fetchParameters : int = PDO::FETCH_OBJ
PDO fetch style record options
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —Array or object with values if success otherwise false
Selects a single value using PDO
selectValue(string $from, string|array<string|int, string> $field[, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : mixed
- $from : string
The SQL FROM statement with optional joins. Example: 'table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id = table2.id'.
- $field : string|array<string|int, string>
The columns to select. Can be a string or an array of strings.
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
The WHERE clause. Can be a string or an array of conditions. If it's an array, the conditions will be joined with AND.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the production mode. true: The query is displayed. 'silent': The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
mixed —A returned value from the database if success otherwise false
Sets the queryBuilder's debugGlobalMode.
setDebug(bool|string $mode) : void
- $mode : bool|string
The debug mode to set. Pass
to disable debug mode.
Begin transaction processing
transactionBegin() : bool
Return values
bool —Returns true if the transaction begins successfully, false otherwise.
Commit and end transaction processing.
transactionCommit() : bool
Return values
bool —Returns true if the transaction is committed successfully, false otherwise.
Roll back transaction processing.
transactionRollback() : bool
Return values
bool —Returns true if the transaction is rolled back successfully, false otherwise.
Updates an existing record into a table using PDO
update(string $table, array<string, mixed> $values[, array<int|string, mixed>|string $where = [] ][, bool|string $debug = false ]) : bool|int
- $table : string
Table name
- $values : array<string, mixed>
Associative array containing the fields and values e.g. ['name' => 'Cathy', 'city' => 'Cardiff']
- $where : array<int|string, mixed>|string = []
The WHERE clause. Can be a string or an array of conditions. If it's an array, the conditions will be joined with AND.
- $debug : bool|string = false
false, true or 'silent'. false: the update is executed. true the update is not executed. The query is displayed. 'silent': the update is not executed. The query is registered then can be displayed using the getDebug() method.
Return values
bool|int —The number of affected rows or false if there was an error.